The satisfaction that a person can experience from successfully finding work is a joy to watch. Let us help you get there.
Youth Employment at Social Studio is designed to assist NDIS participants of school leaving age to prepare, look for and gain employment, further study or volunteer opportunities. We will work with you to help you achieve the goals you have chosen for your life beyond school.
Youth Employment Supports provides meaningful, individualised capacity building activities so young people can achieve their employment goals and will assist participants to gain confidence to enter the workforce.
NDIS Funding:
SLES (School Leaver Employment Supports) can be funded for up to two years depending on the participant’s circumstances.
Finding and Keeping a Job can also be used to access Youth Employment at Social Studio if you are not eligible for SLES.
Everyone’s supports will look different. The following skills may be part of an individual program of supports to help participants get ready for employment:
money handling skills
time management skills
communication skills
discovery activities
work experience
job ready skills
travel skills
personal development skills